Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 02/15

Tim Challies tries to answer whether or not our forgiveness is unconditional. Challies takes this position: “We are to model God’s forgiveness; God forgives conditionally; there we are to forgive conditionally.”

The Irish Calvinst shares with us a wonderful quote, “You should be ready to preach, pray, or die in 5 minutes”.

It may be a little too polemic for my taste, but Steve Camp has a good article (as well as wonderful questions) concerning faith and politics.

Sovereign Grace Ministries is hosting a Pastors College preaching conference. One brave soul asked about discouragement. You can read the response of C.J. Mahaney, Jeff Purswell, and Mike Bullmore, here.

There are numerous stories off the press concerning the recent news of Dr. Mohler. First of all, Dr. Mohler has a pre-cancerous tumor on his colon. Secondly, this means that he will not seek nomination for the SBC Presidency. Since it seems to me that Founders broke the story, they get the link.

Michael McKinley says that pastors should feed their sheep. “It seems to me that pastors are shepherds: if there’s malnutrition in the flock it may or may not be our fault, but it is most definitely our problem.” Thabiti responds.

Is God a God of second chances? Dan Phillips says, sometimes.

Tony Reinke continues his series on Engagle Culture with the Supremacy of God. We are treated to part 2 today.

2 Worlds Collide offers us the current list of the Top 10 Persecuted Nations.

David, of the Thirsty Theologian, begins his series answering why he is a Calvinist.

These all deserve an (HT:JT). The Washington Post profiles Eric Redmond. Michael Patton maps the emergent conversation.