Why do I blog?

Another great article on Challies.com are suggestions on blogging. The first one really struck me–Question Everything. In other words; ask yourself, ‘why am I blogging’? So, I thought it might be beneficial to ask myself this question. Here is what I have found:

  • I blog to benefit our students. I hope to give them access to sermons they have heard preached. I also hope to help them interact with good books, good articles, and good websites.
  • I blog to benefit my own spirtual walk. Writing while accountable helps me to interact with things I normally would not interact with. It helps me to be more cautious in my word choice. It helps me to think through issues.
  • I blog to make my writing skills gooder. (Oops, I mean “better”). Being a hick from a small town the more I write the more I stop sounding like a Perry Boy. If someone would like to take the time and help me with punctuation and word structure that would be welcomed.
  • I blog to blog. It’s fun! I love to write. I love to have conversations.
  • And lastly, and hopefully it is more and more most importantly, I blog for the glory of God. I blog in the hopes that the Lord might use anything that I write to further His kingdom and make Jesus look as precious as He is.