A Biblical Philosophy of Student Ministry (Part 1)

I have the wonderful opportunity on Tuesday evening to discuss a philosophy of youth ministry with a local church. I am very excited about this opportunity and have discovered in putting this together my passion in developing a biblical approach… Continue Reading

Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 02/26

Ingrown toenails are painful to endure. Apparently so are Ingrown Churches. Joe Thorn gives 7 signs that your church is ingrown. (HT: Steve McCoy) Ouch! Trevin Wax delivers a convicting post on ear-tickling preaching. Here is a sample: “We crave… Continue Reading

Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 01/23

Tony Kummer encourages nursery workers by highlighting seven reasons why nursery work is vital to your church’s ministry. Timmy Brister is blogspotting the Puritan Reading Challenge. There are several links here to people that have taken the challenge and are… Continue Reading

Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 01/18

Apparently TULIP’s have thorns. At least that seems to be the conclusion reached by many in the “old-guard” of the SBC. Recently 15 Evangelists (why this is BP News I’m not sure) met to discuss the growing movement of Calvinism… Continue Reading