Read This! 05.23.19

Why Christianity Quit Growing in Korea

I found this a very interesting read.

How to Lead an Elder Meeting

I like it.

The Incompatibility of Critical Theory and Christianity

I keep hearing about critical theory and I honestly need to do a bit more research on this. Articles like this help me, though I need to read from the “other side” too I suppose.

Would You Accept More Gospel Hostility If It Also Meant More Gospel Openness?

Fitting question.

Breaking from Breaking News

I’ve broke from breaking news for about a decade now and I can say I haven’t missed a thing.

Updates from David Powlison

I was saddened to read this, but also hopeful in a great God.

Why Good Theology Is Not Enough


When Kids Express Worldly Grief

It’s helpful to spot this important distinction.

There is a capital city that has a population of zero. This is their story: