Read This! 04.10.18

Does the OT Teach Resurrection Hope?

That was a question I’ve had to briefly explore in preaching through 2 Corinthians.

10 Most Significant Discoveries in the Field of Biblical Archaeology

Man, I would so love to be an archaeologist.

7 Ways Grief Becomes Sinful

Some help from John Flavel. This isn’t an article you share with someone going through grief, it’s truth to be stored away in preparation.

Pastor Fear

“Pastor, the things we all fear most (chaos, works of the enemy, even death itself), all fear Jesus.” Wow, that’s a life-shaping sentence.

Why I Stopped Reading the Bible

Sobering. And sadly a massive temptation.

Where Did the Pope Come From?

I’ve gotten this question quite a few times.

4 Ways Christians Should Share Their Faith

Matt Chandler gives us four tips to effectively share the gospel.

Good and Bad Excuses Not to Practice Church Discipline

I really appreciate the list of good reasons…I think we neglect that at times.

Are ‘Altar Calls’ a Good Idea? I tend to agree with Mark Dever here: