Pray With Your spouse: Day Twenty

Day Twenty: Flee Idols

Dear children, keep yourselves from idols. –1 John 5:21

Idolatry is whenever something else takes the place of God in our hearts. One of the best ways to shipwreck a marriage is to be given over to idolatry. When this happens something else will drive our marriage. This includes our love for one another. We put ourselves over God whenever we don’t lovingly speak the truth to our spouse for fear of discord. We are engaging in a subtle form of idolatry when we ask “us” questions before we ask “kingdom” questions. If God is not at the forefront of our sacred union we will get derailed. Let us, then, keep ourselves from idolatry—even of a very good thing like our marriage.

Father, you are supreme. You have lovingly given to us the gift of marriage. We know that we are half-hearted creatures who are so easily satisfied with lesser things. Help us to remember that our marriage is but a shadow. Help us treasure one another and love one another deeply from the heart, but stir up our hearts to properly honor you above all. Forgive us for the times when we’ve put our marriage above obedience to you. Also, forgive us for the times we’ve put other things above our marriage AND above you. Give us a single-mindedness. Amen.