Today in Blogworld 11.13.15

Do You Have a Family Mission Statement?

If a family is a little church and churches ought to have some sort of mission statement, why shouldn’t we be more intentional about what we want to be as a family?

5 Ways to Deepen Your Preaching

I feel like I’ve already linked to this. If I have, my bad, but this is helpful.

The Major Obstacle in Forgiveness

This is really helpful. What do you do when somebody who has sinned against you (even repeatedly) refuse to repent or even acknowledge wrong-doing? What does forgiveness look like in these situations?

Four Major Ways Pastors Hinder Church Revitalization

No pastor wants to hinder church revitalization, but lets be honest these are easy traps to fall into.

Oh my. This is the cutest thing you’ll see all day: