Today in Blogworld 01.15.15

A Different Kind of False Teacher

Aaron Armstrong helps us to see that there is a different kind of false teacher—and its one that might easily run rampant in Reformed Evangelical circles.

How to Write Good

Very helpful tips on writing by Tony Payne.

Why the Church Needs Intergenerational Friendships

We like to talk about the generational gap. We are thinking through these issues at our church. And I find Joseph Rhea’s conclusions here simple and helpful. “It sounds like a church organization problem. But the real problem, and the real solution, isn’t organizational—it’s personal. The real problem is that, increasingly, we’re no longer making friends across generational lines.”

What to Say to Church Members Leaving for Poor Reasons

Beneficial and practical.

See this is why cats are just terrible. They’re like the bully who takes your seat at lunch and refuses to give it back: