Pray For Your Daughter: 31 Day Challenge—Day Two

Day Two: That she would be filled with true joy

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. –1 Peter 1:8-9

Our daughters are faced with so many promises about what will make them happy: toys, clothes, trophies, parties, and beauty. All of these and more are said to fill them with happiness. Yet these toys end up under the bed, clothes go out of fashion and trophies gather dust in the garage. Only through Jesus can our daughters have real joy. They are torn in a culture that celebrates excessive partying and also revels in the dark side of depression and angst. So too, girls fluctuate between naïve giddiness and moody gloominess. God’s desire is that they find Joy, not just happiness, in their relationship with Him. His desire is that our greatest joy comes from our salvation in Him and others finding salvation. Only God will help them get off the rollercoaster and find enduring peace an joy in the presence of the Lord.

Jesus, our Prince of Peace, I pray that you would fill my daughter with your joy, a deep and abiding joy that persists in the best and worst of times. I pray that you would make her certain of her salvation and determined to invite other to know you as well. Please give her eyes that see through the vain and hollow promises of worldly happiness to the truth of being whole and satisfied in you. Surround her with godly boys and girls who will seek to encourage and build her up in the joy that you offer. Let her be a wellspring of joy in the lives of others as well. Remind me also to seek God’s joy, not the toys of the world, as an example to her.

Corey Whittaker has two teens and has been a Youth Pastor for over 20 years. He has an MA From Trinity School for Ministry in Youth Ministry and an MA from Liberty University in Counseling. He currently serves at Christ the King in Durham, NC as the Youth Pastor and various and sundry other roles.