Pray For Your Daughter: 31 Day Challenge—Day Sixteen

Day Sixteen: That she would seek knowledge for the sake of knowing God.

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. Ephesians 1:17

I often pray that my daughter would develop a passion for learning and studying God’s Word. I also often forget the point of seeking this knowledge. Head knowledge has the potential to do nothing but enlarge the ego and create a false sense of self-righteousness and good standing before God. Paul tells us that the pursuit of wisdom and revelation is indeed a worthy one, yet we do this so that we may know our Father better. The world may occasionally dress us up with accolades and praise for any knowledge we possess, but God looks at the heart. Let us pray that our daughters choose to forego the praise of man in favor of a heart clothed with the longing to know God more deeply.

Father, I thank you for the ability we have to expand our knowledge of you and grow in understanding. I pray that you would plant in my daughter a deep desire to seek you and know you. Keep her free from the chains of impressing others and from the vanity that knowledge can create. I pray that learning would lead her to greater worship and give her power to understand your incredible love for her. In Christ’s name I pray, amen.

Sarah Van Beveren is a wife and mother raising her three girls in Ontario, Canada. She’s a book and coffee lover who is currently in recovery for knowing it all. She’s also rocked by grace.