Pray For Your Son: 31 Day Challenge—Day Twenty-Three

Day Twenty-Three That he would be in awe of God

All these things my hand has made, and so all these things came to be, declares the Lord. But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word. –Isaiah 66:2

Awe seems to be easy for little kids. When we get older it’s more difficult. No matter the age of your son, he must be in awe of God. The one to whom God will look is the one that trembles in awe of His majesty. Our God is awesome and worthy of us being absolutely dumbfounded in His presence. Let us pray today that our sons would be awestruck by His glory. May the sight of the Lord humble him, cause him to be contrite before Him, and to tremble at His word. He is glorious, brothers, may our sons know this with ever fiber of their being.

Lord, would you cause awe to spring up in the heart of my son. Cause him to tremble at your word. I pray that he is enamored with all of your glory. Rescue him—rescue me—from a foolish sense of familiarity with you that no longer inspires awe. Help us to see that you are inexhaustible. We know that mountains melt like wax before You. Melt our hearts before you, oh God. Awe us for you are awesome. Amen.

One Comment

  1. I especially appreciate this prayer as how my sons and I need to be filled with a sense of the awe of God

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