Pray For Your Son: 31 Day Challenge—Day Twenty-Four

Day Twenty-Four: That he would be a compassionate warrior

The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. –Genesis 2:15

I’ve been teaching my five year old about the fall of mankind and what it has done to men. I’ve explained that God created us men to be compassionate warriors: men of valor that work hard, with hearts to protect. Real men fight for righteousness. But, as I’ve explained to my son, the fall has left us men as grouchy wimps instead of compassionate (tender) warriors. We are lazy when we should work. Or we use our job to hide us from the more difficult tasks of being a man at home. We aren’t compassionate, we are selfish. Thankfully Jesus restores humanity and manhood. I encourage my son to live in that redemption instead of the rebellion of being a grouchy wimp.

Father, thank you for restoring manhood. I am grateful that you have given us pictures throughout your word of what a real man is to look like. I know that in Jesus we have everything that we need for life and godliness. Lord, I pray that you would work in my sons heart and help him to be a compassionate warrior. I know that through his whole life you will call him to be that. Help him to hurt with those that hurt. And to be a man of valor that stands up for others and mostly for the truth of the gospel. Amen.