Today in Blogworld 04.03.13

Our National Pastime

Kevin DeYoung explains why baseball is so amazing. I agree.

5 Ways You Can Teach Your Children About Their Sexual Development

It’s important to teach our kids about their sexual development. Here are 5 ways that we can do that.

A ‘Black and Tan’ Roundup

Thabiti Anyabwile an Douglas Wilson have had a few go-rounds concerning Douglas Wilson’s new book, Black and Tan. These are helpful articles and if nothing else show us how to faithfully engage one another in the midst of disagreement.

Jesus is On the Wrong Side of History

This is a brilliant piece by Trevin Wax. Wonderfully written with an excellent point about our current standing in culture.

Wow. This video really heats up at about the 1:30 mark. These dudes are dedicated, that’s all I’ve got to say: