Today in Blogworld 12.12.12

The Self-Righteous Wife

Trilla Newbell has a word for ladies about being judmental and self-righteous.

Mark Driscoll Interviews John Piper

This was a great interview. I love Piper’s answers. I especially appreciated his final word: “I am an old pastor now, desperately in need of the old, old gospel.”

The Problem with Plagiarism in the Pulpit

This is older, but I found it again today. I just had a conversation with another pastor about this very thing.

Am I Prone to Wander?

Awhile back (can you tell I’m digging for stuff to link to) Mark Altrogge questioned Come Thou Fount. Tim Challies offered a response. The role of depravity in the believers life seems to be a discussion that needs to be had.

Had the Bengals won this might be known as the Rally Coon. Now it’s probably just known as a saboteur: