Today in Blogworld 11.12.12

What Your Church Bulletin Says About Your Priorities

Our praying and what we emphasize on our church bulletins reveals whether or not we have God-sized priorities or Jacob-sized priorities. (HT: Trevin Wax)

Did Jesus Turn Water Into Wine or Grape Juice?

The title says it all.

Andrew Fuller Conference Audio Available

My biggest disappointment with not being able to attend SBTS this semester was having to miss Dr. Haykin’s class on Andrew Fuller, as well as this conference. I am glad they have made the audio available.

What We Need Now (And Evermore)

I appreciate this word from Jared Wilson. “Our churches don’t need our political laments. They need our deep, abiding, all-conquering, sin-despairing gospel joy. This and this alone is the hope of the world.”

The Consummation of all Things: