God’s Missionary to Our Family

Tomorrow I will conduct the funeral service of a 93 year old saint who has gone on to be with the Lord. While she’s a member of our congregation, she’s been gone several years now as her health declined and she moved out of state to live with a daughter.  I really did not know her family since they live so far away and was pleased to have the opportunity to sit down to talk about the funeral service and to hear of her vitality and joy of living in her ‘younger’ years.

She lived through the tumultuous changes of the 20th century, but was very much a product of her generation   who endured the Great Depression.  A hard working woman who learned to make-do with whatever was on hand and find joy in life, in family, and in the community of believers.

I was touched deeply by the family’s testimony of her walk with the Lord.  It’s not just that she was a believer, active ni the