A Band You Need to Know

I am always looking for good music.  If you like good music then you need to be exposed to a band from my home state of Missouri called The Corners

One of the members, Jeremy, was a young man that I had the opportunity to get to know well when I was a youth pastor in Missouri.  Jeremy loves Jesus and he’s a talented musician.  He’s dedicated his life to using his musical gifts to proclaim the excellencies of Christ.  His band, The Corners, are releasing their first studio album and I’ll be happy to get a copy. 

Check out the band:

You can also support these guys by going to their Kickstarter campaign page. If for some reason thad video doesn’t play on your computer then go here: The Corners


  1. Because we don’t have any new music recorded to put on there, and all of our older stuff doesn’t accurately represent what we sound like now. So we figured we’d toss a fun song we like on there. 🙂 If you’d like to hear what we sound like now, you can check out our YouTube channel for some live videos. YouTube.com/watchthecorners

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