Today in Blogworld 9.10.12

The Trouble with Focusing on Your Marriage

David Mathis, quoting from This Momentary Marriage, explains why focusing on your marriage may be quite troublesome. 

When God Pulls the Rug Out

I found this really encouraging this morning.  “God is not playing games when he pulls the rug out from under you. He is up to something, but it is probably not what you think it is.”

How Do You Explain the Trinity to Children?

It’s hard enough to explain the Trinity to adults that have been believers for years.  What do you do when your children need an explanation of the Trinity?  Russell Moore provides an answer….sort of.

You Don’t HAVE to Sin

Wise and helpful words here from Mark Altrogge.  It might feel like we HAVE to sin, but if the power of sin has been broken in our lives by the powerful Christ we no longer are enslaved.

What is at the heart of sinful anger?