Today in Blogworld 7.12.12

Keeping Intimate Details Intimate

I really appreciate Tim Challies’ words here on keeping sexual details private.  Using two imaginary people, Rob and Kelly, to tell a story Challies concludes: “What is not relevant to this discussion is how often other couples are having sexual relations. The moment Rob and Kelly turn to statistics, they begin to compare themselves with other people in other life stages and other circumstances. They are no longer looking primarily to one another, no longer seeking to serve one another in love, no longer appealing to the Holy Spirit to sanctify them and to increase his fruit in their lives.”

The Expository Genius of John Calvin only .99

This is a good book.  You can check out my review here.  Then purchase it for only 99 cents on your e-reader

Baseball Cards Found in Ohio Attic Might Fetch Millions

I always thought this story would be about me after going through my grandfather’s sock drawer.  Maybe someday.  This guy found sixteen Ty Cobb cards with the highest grade ever.  Not to mention a mint condition Honus Wagner.  Phenomenal. 

How “Let Go and Let God” Almost Ruined J.I. Packer

I’ve heard this story before from Packer but it’s worth reading again and again.  Keswick theology and it’s muddy mysticism is dangerous.  I pray that the Lord rescues many from its clutches. 

Rambo the Musical:

(HT: Thinklings)