Review of 10 Things Every Minister’s Wife Needs to Know by Jeana Floyd

Author: Jeanna Floyd

Pages: 160 pgs

Publisher: New Leaf Press

Price: 11.04

Genre: Ministry/Marriage/Pastor’s Wives

I received this book from New Leaf Publishing to review.  Since I am not a pastor’s wife I thought it would be good to have my wife (Nikki) read and review this book.  The following is her review…

Quick Summary:

Jeana Floyd has been a pastor’s wife for over 32 years. Her husband, Ronnie, has also written a companion piece: 10 Things Every Minister Needs to Know. These books are intended to be a practical and handy resource for the pastor and his wife. Mrs. Floyd’s edition is meant to assist the pastor’s wife in honoring God through encouraging her husband in ministry. There are ten chapters—that could easily stand alone—that are stocked full of Floyd’s wisdom as well as helpful testimonies from other seasoned pastor’s wives.

What I Liked:

I have been a pastor’s wife for a little over six years. I found this book to be extremely relevant to many of the issues that my husband and I face daily. There are many books to assist the pastor’s wife but few discuss pressing issues with the balance of grace and honesty that Floyd exhibits. She does not shy away from the truth of Scripture and how it applies to our lives, but she also writes with a compelling tenderness. The perspective that she offers is very encouraging and opened my heart to the enjoyment of ministry—to “thrive and not just survive”!

What I Disliked:

At first I thought I wanted the book to give more in-depth practical application, but the lack of such specificity actually became one of the things I loved about the book. She says just enough to allow the Holy Spirit to convict you, but also gives you the freedom to express the fruit of that work in ways that are unique to your person. That will look different for everybody, but the essentials are the same.

Should You Buy It?

Absolutely or you ministry will die…just kidding, but I really do think every pastor’s wife could benefit immensely from reading this book. I have looked for assistance in many books written to pastor’s wives few have been as helpful as this one.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars