Today in Blogworld 1/12/09

What a weekend. On Thursday (my son’s birthday) we noticed he was starting to get sick. By Friday we had no doubt. So, Friday night we took him to the ER because his temperature was up to 104 and he was having trouble breathing. We were sent home around 2 AM. We then went back the next day and found out he has pneumonia. But he’s been doing much better since then…and he’s actually playing today. Here are a few links from the last few days:

Michael Patton makes me wonder if I really do want to go to seminary.

Do you have somebody in your life that is too much? Jay Adams offers advice on what to do.

JT nicely sums up the posts on reading on Tony Reinke’s blog. JT also sums up the recent Day with Don at Mars Hill Church. Be sure to check these out.

Great news: CCEF is redesigned online and now has a blog. (HT: JT)

Is Satan Pro-Man? Piper answers.

Over the next week or so Michael McKinley (from 9 Marks) will be posting interviews with Steve Timmis author of Total Church. This should be good. Check out part 1.