Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 02/19

Are we still under the Law? Nathan Busenitz attempts to answer that question. Today we are treated to Part 1 in his series. His thesis will be that the apostlic saints saw that we are “no longer under any part of the Mosaic law”. He will prove this by making four points. We are treated to his first point today; “the biblical saints saw the Mosaic law as a solitary unit.” Check it out, here. You can also read the introductory post, here.

Trevin Wax is asking his readers to come up with Gospel Definitions. How would you define the gospel? He also offers advice on How the older gen. can mentor the younger.

In the category of This is What Happens When We Make Man the Center: the Daily Dose delivers an article about Easter. Joshua responds to a church marketing flier that says, “Easter: It’s All About You”. I understand what they are attempting to say. But whenever we make that which is secondary, the primary thing, we run the risk of idolatry.

Ed Stetzer has a great article on Ethnicity in the SBC.

Michael Patton continues his series on the Emerging Church. Today he tries to tack jello to the wall, or in other words, define the emerging church.

John Piper posts his son Karsten’s poem on Luke 18:25. It is phenomenal.

Phil Johnson continues his discussion on total depravity. Today he asks, How did we Inherit Adam’s Sinfulness?

If this guy is serious, then I apologize; it deserves not laughter but rebuke. If it’s a joke, then it’s a really good one. Because I am giving this guy the benefit of the doubt, and do not see how it cannot be a joke, I post it. (HT: Reformed Mafia)

Along the same lines John Piper discusses his hatred of the prosperity “gospel”. (HT: purgatorio)

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