Today in Blogworld

Today we will introduce a new feature to our blog. Friday, I posted what my mornings typically look like. Now I will give you the fruit of my labor. I will be posting links and a short summary to articles that I found interesting. Note: I may not agree with every article I link to. These will be linked to in the hopes to spawn thoughtful interaction. So, without further ado here are today’s blogworld posts:

Remember a few months back when Christendom was in an uproar of the Gospel of Judas? Just as in the past this too has been shown to be a fraud. Dr. Mohler points us to a new book by April D. Deconick which accurately points us to National Geographic’s misrepresentation of the text in the Gospel of Judas. Turns out Judas still is not a hero and is actually portrayed as a demon. The full blog post can be found here: Revising the Revisionists

Also in the news today is yet another controversial booking by Saddleback Church (Rick Warren’s church). The Christian Post covers the ‘gutsy appearance’ of Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. This, frankly, sickens me for a number of reasons. 1) It is awesome that the church is involved in trying to alleviate suffering and such tragedies as AIDS. Might we continue. However, to link up with those who are strongly pro-death (er, I mean pro-choice) is ludicrous. I am fairly certain that 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 addresses such unholy unions. 2) The continual sell-out of the church into the political arena. There are numerous other reasons for my disdain, but these two will suffice for now.

I am encouraged that as we are beginning a study on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood that material is becoming readily available. Last week the Shepherd’s Scrapbook posted an excellent interview with C.J. Mahaney on biblical masculinity. Also of note, Between Two Worlds: Man Up where Justin Taylor points us to an article by Ray Van Neste on young guys growing up to be men. Voddie Baucham’s address to Charleston Southern University about biblical manhood is also now available. I encourage all of our parents and young men to check these out. It may even be beneficial to our young ladies who want to know what a godly man looks like.

The Blazing Center gives us 8 Tips to Get More Out of Bible Study. It’s actually more of a “how to do an effective quiet time”, but it is very helpful. I especially appreciate pointing us to journaling and responding to what we have read. Insights like this keep us from legalistically doing quiet times and redeeming them in the hopes of seeing Jesus.

Founders has some helpful links for the Building Bridges Conference that was held at Southeastern. I am so excited to hear that a group of Southern Baptist are together discussing theology. I am especially encouraged that what was debated was not Hyper-Calvinism vs. Arminianism. It has been my experience that many people who come from an Arminian persuasion disagree with hyper-Calvinist and very seldom engage the belief of Calvinist. This conference will help. It will especially help to dispel some of the main myths concerning Calvinism. 1) It is not counter-evangelism. In fact some of the statistics at the conference show that Calvinist and Arminians are about equal on evangelism–neither are doing it like we are called to. 2) It is not, nor does it inevitably lead to, the heretical Hyper-Calvinism. I am excited to see the fruit from this Conference. Tom Ascol provides summary thoughts as well as links to other posts about the event.

That’s it for today…join us tomorrow for more from Blogworld