Read This! 12.03.19

I haven’t shared a Read This! for quite some time so naturally some of these articles are older. But I still think they are valuable and I’d like you to give them a read.

Tying Up Truth With Threadbare Ribbons

What Lore is describing here is part of why I’ve found writing so difficult lately.

How Does ‘Willful Sinning’ Threaten My Salvation?

I don’t fully agree with Piper here. (My view of the warning passages of Hebrews 6:4-6 is similar in Hebrews 10). But I do agree with how he frames the discussion and defines the terms on willful sinning.

What’s the Point? (Alternative Ways to Frame Your Sermon)

I absolutely agree that our sermon needs structure. And I appreciate some of the suggestions Tim gives here. I’ve thought for a long time that we aren’t really doing the text justice by trying to make it confine to three points. I believe our task is to show what the text says—how we came to that conclusion—and through the whole thing explain why it matters for us today. For me, I tend to preach what I’d call a thread.

3 Ways to Deal With Anger in Ministry

I’m not a fly off the handle in anger type of guy. I’m probably more likely to seethe. I found this incredibly helpful and realistic. The second one is the most difficult for me and the one I’m learning about the most.

9 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Arguing Online

I don’t think this would end all arguments online—some are actually necessary. But I think it’d certainly make the more civil and productive. We would also probably not have nearly as many arguments.

Your Church Needs You to Sing

Another part of this is the necessity of singing songs in church which are singable. I’m not blessed with a tremendous singing voice—and this causes me to not really sing out much in church. This is one thing I’d really like to change. Right now I passionately whisper sing.