Read This! 06.05.18

Reflections on the Seashells Sermon

I found it interesting to hear Piper’s thoughts on this popular sermon.

The Difference Between Good Leaders and Great Leaders

Helpful to think about the difference here.

Maybe Women are Some of the Worst Offenders

I think this is a bold piece by Melissa.

What Does It Mean to Be Baptized in the Holy Spirit?

I’m preaching through Acts on Wednesday night, this question will likely come up numerous times.

A Concern with Chan’s House-Church Planting Model

This could make for an interesting discussion.

How To Love Your Wife As Christ Loved the Church

“So resolve to live for her, to sacrifice all you’ve got for her good”.

The Wrath of God Poured Out

This commentary by Al Mohler on the SBC is good and humbling.

First-Century Mark Fragment Update

This is very interesting.

Wow, I remember that Ricky Henderson was weird and that he was a phenomenal baseball player. I never realized he was this good:

(HT: Challies)