Read This! 07.11.17

Worshiping a Golden Calf on Sunday Morning is Deceptively Easy

I wish this weren’t true.

VBS is Worth the Cost

We are doing VBS this week ourselves. It’s worth every bit of the cost.

Why Christians Need to Be (the Right Kind of) Conservatives

I found this very interesting and convincing.

3 Ways Ministry Can Make You Conceited

That third one is the most tricksy.

Don’t Just Tweet Your Proverbs

I’m preaching through Proverbs right now and I’ve been struck by this same theme.

The First Year of Pastoring

Great advice for the first year, but pretty much applicable for every year of pastoring.

Preaching Under Pressure

Even if it doesn’t apply now, this is one that every pastor should store away.

Shepherding Your Flock through Dementia

We have a few families in our church struggling through this.

Unless my love for sports disqualifies me, I could see myself in this group: