Read This! 06.01.17

Moral Outrage in America is Now For Everybody

I find this very interesting. The house of cards is collapsing will the church be ready with the alternative narrative?

The Professionalization of the Home

I don’t believe I would have ever thought about this.

Single For a Reason: Eight Lies We Tell Unmarried Women

If you are an unmarried female, don’t believe these lies.

The Ninth Commandment and the Pain of Social Media

This is spot on.

Deny Yourself for More Delight

This is vintage Piper.

Is the Lecture Dead or Alive?

Preaching isn’t lecturing, but I’m still interested in this topic.

Church History: The True Story of Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc was one of the history characters my son was intrigued by this past school year.

Don’t Pursue Feelings. Pursue Christ.

Very true.

This is the story of how God saved David Powlison:

How God Saved David Powlison from Destroying Himself from Crossway on Vimeo.