What The Failure of #NeverTrump Can Teach Us About Counseling

This political season is absolutely crazy. I think I jokingly tweeted something back in September about how terrible it would be if we had Clinton v. Trump this November. Well we do, and this in spite of a pretty big #NeverTrump and even #NeverHilary movement. And I’m still convinced that the number of those who were initially #NeverTrump outweighs those who are Yes for Trump.

My guess is that a host of those who were initially #NeverTrump will hold their nose and pull the lever because they are more strongly #NeverHilary.

But politics isn’t my concern today. Instead I want to think about the failure of this #NeverTrump movement and what it has to say to us as biblical counselors. Perhaps, I should qualify that a bit. I’m not speaking just to those who are formally called biblical counselors but all those who are believers in Jesus whom God gives opportunity to speak truth into the life of another.

If there were so many people who were #NeverTrump why in the world did Trump win the Republican nomination? I believe the main reason is because you cannot vote for Not Donald on your ballot. You have to positively choose someone. And those who constituted the #NeverTrump movement never could rally around one candidate.

Negative movements seldom create lasting change. In other words, just being against something doesn’t get you very far. There is a reason why we are called a pro-life movement and not simply #NeverAbortion. If you really want to create lasting change you can’t just oppose something you have to replace it with a positive. And this is where we can learn something in the way we counsel folks.

When people come into your office for counseling they seldom are there because things are going pretty well but they just want to know how they can edify their family a bit better. No they come because things are starting to come apart. Their focus in those first sessions is usually to stop the bad stuff from happening. They want to stop drinking, stop yelling at their family, stop being depressed, etc. They have their own version of #NeverTrump. They see something bad and they want it opposed.

That’s a good start but we never can leave people here. Our goal in helping people grow more like Jesus isn’t simply to put off bad behaviors. If we do this then our people are going to fall flat just like #NeverTrump did. We must instead help them put on the graces of the Christian life. Our goal isn’t to just keep people from stealing it is to create glad-hearted worshippers who freely give. You get the picture.

So let us learn from this movement that just being against stuff and just putting off the old is never enough. Let us be diligent in pursuing the positive attributes of holiness as well.

Photo source: here

One Comment

  1. First, I will say that Trump was certainly NOT my choice!!! But the way our system works we can’t vote not for someone unless you vote for someone. We are not voting for a pastor, we are voting for a president. It would be a wonderful world if we could, Matter of fact of my 2 choices, one is a pastor the other is a Very GODly man. But since they fell by the way side, I will be one of those (hold your nose and vote crowd) Having voted in all of the general elections since I was 18,I am now 66, I have seen many men come and go. Some good, some ok, and some terrible. Sometimes we HAVE to vote, we MUST vote. If we don’t, then we have no right to complain. If my candidate does not win I will most likely be very upset, My wife will have a difficult time putting up with me for a while. Knowing how critical this election is, our very futures and children and grandchildren’s futures are at stake. Of all of the elections I have participated in, believe me this is the most crucial. I know fully well that whatever happens it is GOD’s will, He will see us through, If evil wins this time, I will not lose my faith in the LORD, but once again I will be left wondering why.

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