Today in Blogworld 02.24.15

Stop Hate-Watching the Church

Hate-watching and hate-writing is a quick but terrible way to build a platform.

An Extraordinary Skill for Ordinary Christians

Tim writes about the difficult task of burden-bearing.

A Great Teacher Can Simplify without Distortion


15 Foods Invented in Chicago

I’m not from Chicago but I still found this interesting. Had no idea the Twinkie was birthed in Chicago…but that seems about right.

I would like to purchase one of these. This is a big pet peeve of mine…and sadly one that I’m guilty of breaking myself on occasion:

One Comment

  1. The comments section at your first link is very eye opening – and sad. I had begun frequenting a couple similar sites – one on Twitter – but stopped because I found myself sinning in thought and feeding ugliness within. Maybe some can wade in those waters without negative effects. I could not. How can we say we love Jesus but despise the bride for whom he died?

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