The Most Shared Verses in Their Context (1 Chronicles 16:34)

Last year I looked at the Top 10 Most Shared Bible Verses from 2013 in their context. They have recently posted their 2014 list and to my surprise there are ten new most shared verses, so I figured I’d look at these ten popular verses in their context again this year. Today we will look 1 Chronicles 16:34., which is the second most shared verse of 2014.

The Verse:

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! (1 Chronicles 16:34 ESV)

The Context:

1 Chronicles 16 is when the ark of the covenant is placed inside the tent that David had pitched for it. On top of the ark was the Mercy Seat. This was the only place in the world where God prescribed atonement to be made. Without the ark then the Israelites were not able to make atonement and not able to enjoy the presence of the Lord.

In other words, having the ark was a big deal. 1 Chronicles 16 is the climax of David’s quest to bring the ark back to the land. Starting in verse 8 David shares a song of thanks.

The Psalm is really a hodgepodge of Psalm 96, 105, and 106:47-48. The verse that we are considering today, verse 34, is one that is likely familiar to many from the Psalms.

The joy of having the ark back in their community leads them to sing of God’s greatness. This psalm calls the people to worship. In verse 34 the Israelites are called to reflect upon and give thanks for the Lord’s steadfast and enduring love.

The Meaning:

The Lord’s “steadfast love” is his covenant keeping love. The Hebrew word is hesed. Commentator Ralph Davis defines it this way:

hesed is the devoted love promised within a covenant; hesed is love that is willing to commit itself to another by making its promise a matter of solemn record. (Definition taken from here)

I’ve heard it defined as the love that refuses to not love. When I think of God’s steadfast love I immediately go to Hosea. This is a beautiful picture of God’s radical dedication to redeeming His bride and securing her joy in Himself.

The story behind 1 Chronicles 16 also provides a beautiful picture of God’s steadfast love. For years the Israelites seemed to care less about the location of the ark (and thus atonement and God’s presence). And yet here we have God drawing His people back to Himself and meeting them with grace and love and accepting their sacrifices. This atonement isn’t for God as if He were some bloodthirsty tyrant. No, this atonement is for the people and the Lord has once again shown Himself to be gracious to them—in spite of their years of rebellion.

How much more can we, on this side of Calvary, praise God for his hesed. We know that in Christ the Lord’s love truly does endure forever. If you are a Christian there will not be one day where God will not love you for all of eternity.

May we respond the same way the Psalmist did—in thanksgiving and worship.


Though we are not experiencing the same historical setting as the original audience this Psalm is still applicable to us today. It is applicable because it is true. God’s steadfast love endures from generation to generation. The same love that caused David to dance is the same love that stirs up our hearts to worship. It will be this same love which sustains us for all of eternity.

But this love is not some mere sentiment. This is a costly love. Hesed carries with it the idea of a painful love. In order for the Father to pour out this type of love upon us for all eternity it cost His Son.

Feast today on the depth of God’s love for His children.


  1. This is a great series for those who want to read the Bible with historical (and therefore theological) understanding. Thanks.

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