Fox News and Indulging the Flesh

Conservatism is powerless to stop the indulgence of the flesh.

I seldom go on the Fox News website (or CNN for that matter). When I do, I try to avoid scrolling down—even once. If you do scroll down (and don’t) what you’ll notice are some 10-15 thumbnail photos and a good number of them being of scantily clad women. The Features and Faces section seldom has a focus on the face, it’s usually more on the “features” if you catch my drift.

The times that I have needed to scroll down to find an article or check out other news—I’ve noticed that most of these articles are crude and everything but conservative. Brothers and sisters, this is a lesson to us. Conservatism is not the same as moral purity.

It amazes me that such filth appears on a site which talks so much about how President Obama and his liberal cohorts are ruining America, American values, and the American family. Friends, it is lust, pornography, and infidelity that has destroyed more homes than any government policy.

Don’t mistake my argument here as saying, “then just go ahead and embrace liberalism.” Liberalism isn’t the answer either. I stand with conservatives on many issues. But at the end of the day having a right belief about abortion, homosexuality, or even government structure has no power to transform. Only Jesus Christ can transform homes. Only Jesus Christ can pick up the wreckage of sin and create beauty from ashes. Liberalism and Conservatism is powerless to do this.

Yes, be involved politically if that is what the Lord is leading you to do. But don’t conflate party affiliation with gospel faithfulness. The soft core porn on Fox News ought to be enough to tell us that the kingdom they seek to build is different than the one of the crucified Galilean.

One Comment

  1. I agree…any suggestions for an alternative news source without all the graphics?

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