Pray For Your Daughter: 31 Day Challenge—Day Twenty-One

Day Twenty-One: That she would delight in God

Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it. – Psalm 37:4-5

Our hearts are prone to find delight in almost anything and everything other than the source of true delight, God himself. We are constantly tempted to try and satisfy the desires of our hearts with anything and everything other than the only one who can do it, God himself. Yet it is only when we delight in the Lord and orient our hearts toward him that our desires are truly met and truly satisfied. When we commit ourselves to God in Christ through his Spirit we find the fulfillment we were created to experience. We can only delight in the Lord and commit ourselves to him, however, through his power and help. So let us pray for our daughters, that their hearts would turn toward God, finding their delight in him, committing themselves to him, and having their deepest desires met by him.

Father in Heaven, thank you for creating us to find our satisfaction and fulfillment in you, and then allowing us to experience it through Jesus Christ. Help my daughter today to delight in you and your provision of salvation. Keep her from anything that would lessen her delight in you. Fill her with you Spirit that she may desire you and your ways above all else, and find her heart’s desires satisfied in you. Help her to commit herself to you and trust you. We thank you that we can find our delight in you, that we can trust you, and that your promises are sure and certain. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Gary L. Shultz Jr. is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church in Fulton, MO, and he teaches theology and church history for Baptist Bible Theological Seminary and Liberty University Online.  He has been married to his wife Kristin for ten years, and they have two daughters, ages 2 and eight months.