Today in Blogworld 12.13.13

The Real Problem with Mark Driscoll’s ‘Citation Errors’

I haven’t commented much on the Driscoll plagiarism fiasco. Nor have I linked to many articles on it. But this one by Andy Crouch is so insightful that I had to point it out.

Lessons from the Ringmaster

I love this line by Kim Shay: “This is one thing we can help a “celebrity” pastor with: we don’t have to lay on the accolades for every word they say. Believe it or not, every word they utter is not a nugget. Even famous Christians can be a little dull.”

How to Get People to Read the Bible Without Making Them Feel Dumb.

Telling them it is easy isn’t the way to go.

Leading for Someone Else

The quarterback controversy in Chicago gives us a picture of Christian leadership.

Try it. Hardest tongue twister:

(HT: Z)