Today in Blogworld 11.19.12

What the Church Really Believes About Sanctification

I do not know the specific author of this piece but it is someone from CCEF. It really does not matter what we as a church say we believe about sanctification. At ground level when the rubber meets the road this is pretty much what the church at large believes about sanctification.

Brothers, The Ministry is Supernatural

One of the most shaping books in my life has been John Piper’s Brothers, We Are Not Professionals. In this piece Piper says the need to rebel against professionalism is ever present. He urges us to consider that the work of ministry is supernatural.

God’s Answer to “How Should I Live With Disability”

This is powerful. Justin Taylor introduces the powerful testimony of Krista Horning.

Textual Criticism in a Nutshell

You may not know what textual criticism is, but you should. I like detective shows. I like studying Scripture. That might be why I’m such a nerd with textual criticism. If only I were better at original languages. Nonetheless, I love doing textual criticism. Michael Patton explains the discipline.


This song is sure to get stuck in your head…but it might just save your life: