Today in Blogworld 11.07.12

Marriage With a Chronically Self-Centered Spouse

Brad Hambrick has written an excellent series on marriage to a self-centered spouse.  My wife needs to read this. 

How to Disciple Your Wife

I think this is a very important question that every pastor needs to think through.  I know I’ve erred in going into “pastor mode” instead of “husband mode”.  I appreciate this article by Brian Croft.

It’s Dangerous In There Pastors

Matt Smethurst interviews Paul Tripp on his new book Dangerous Calling.  If you are a pastor you need to put this on your list of books to get. 

5 Leadership Lessons from Abraham Lincoln

I’d prefer five beard growing techniques.  But these are helpful too.  Trevin Wax uses Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book on Lincoln to show us five leadership lessons from Honest Abe’s life. 

Count me impressed.  This girl has talent: