Today in Blogworld 11.06.12

Eating Disorders and the Power of Christ

Kristen Gilles chronicles her battle with an eating disorder and relates it to the battle with idolatry that we all face. 

Brothers, We Should Stink

I love the way that Thabiti Anyabwile words things.  Here he talks about the down and dirty of pastoral ministry: “But, brothers, we are not professional models or entertainers hawking the world’s airbrushed version of “the good life” from the lofty heights and flashing lights of public adulation. Brothers, we are shepherds down in the fields of life — and we should stink.”

Two Big Questions for Bible Reading

What it means.  And why it matters.  Jonathan Parnell explains.

A Couple Sweet eDeals

Spectacular Sins by John Piper is only $3.99
Lit! by Tony Reinke only $3.99 (GREAT BOOK)
Histories and Fallacies by Carl Trueman only $3.03

Uncle Drew-Episode 2.  I love these: