Read This! 06.25.19

10 Reasons People Are Leaving Your Church

I wonder if we could turn this around and show ten reasons why people are staying in church.

Did the Trinity Rupture At The Cross?

That’s a pretty deep question, isn’t it?

Did Blowing Into Nintendo Cartridges or the Game Console Actually Do Anything?

You know what, take your science and….it worked! I know it did!

7 Lessons from My First 6 Months of Pastoral Ministry

Number six, I believe, is connected with the others.

Celebrity Christians and Our Own Idolatry

Lore is correct.

What’s Your Church Sign For?


Complaining Rewires Your Brain

Unlike with the Nintendo article, science gets this one right.

Letter to a Wounded Pastor

I’m going to store this one away. My wounds are healing.

My alma mater: