Read This! 04.02.19

6 Groups Most Likely to Skip Church

This is interesting. I’m most surprised by #2.

Ask TGC: Is Anxiety a Sin?

This is a helpful way to look at different types of anxiety.

How I Learned to Lament

Yes, it’s a hard-bought lesson.

My Favorite Narnia Quotes

True confession. I’ve yet to finish reading all the books. I really need to do that.

How to Embrace Your Emotions Without Being Ruled By Them

I’m working through the second one.

Looking Up to God, Or Look Down to Others

That really is our propensity. We’ll do one or the other.

Christian Wisdom Amid the Gurus

Samuel James is one of the places I go for some Christian wisdom. 

The Quest to Acquire the Oldest, Most Expensive Book on the Planet

History nerds enjoy!

This is why a cat always lands on its feet. I’d always just assumed that was one of the skills given to it when cats collectively sold their souls to the devil: