Read This! 04.04.17

The Jihadi Who Turned to Jesus

I love reading articles like this.

Five Ways to Grow a Culture of Trust

This is more important than you might think.

7 Reasons Christians Are Not Required to Tithe

That’s one view. Here is the other.

5 Christian Clichés that Need to Die


How to Listen to a Sermon

I appreciate it when folks treat sermon listening like the serious business it is.

Enjoying the Pastoral Prayer

I really like this.

Easy Like Friday Afternoon: A Manifesto on Hard-Believism

I agree with Jared’s view here.

Can’t Afford the Trip to Phoenix?

I’m so excited that we are able to offer a few scholarships to pastors/ministry leaders who would not be able to attend the PC for financial reasons.

Is Unforgiveness Unforgivable?

This is hard-hitting but we need to pay attention to it.

I really appreciate the counsel given here:

Shepherding Your Family through Ministry Turmoil from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.