Pray With Your Spouse: Day Sixteen

Day Sixteen: Patience

Love is patient…” 1 Corinthians 13:4

We live in an age of instant gratification. If you need lunch in 5 minutes you can pop something in the microwave or take the shameful jaunt to the local McDonald’s. But sanctification doesn’t work that way. And because our marriage is for our sanctification, patience will be required. The hardest people to be patient with are the ones that we see every day. Our growth seems so slow and almost unnoticed. If we aren’t careful we’ll develop eyes and hearts which focus on the change still needed instead of the great growth the Lord has already wrought. Patience comes from confidence in the Lord’s work and trust in His sovereign plan. Let’s pray today that our marriages will be marked by patience. Patience with one another and patience as we together navigate the choppy waters of a hostile world. Radiant holiness is worthy any wait.

Father, thank you for your patience. You are absolutely holy and yet you are patient with sinners like us. Help us follow the footsteps of Jesus and be patient with one another. Forgive us for the times when we try to go faster than your work requires. Create in us a patient and still heart. We trust you and your work in us. Amen.