Pray For Your church: 31 Day Challenge—Day Twenty

Day 20: That we would fear the Lord

Oh, fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him have no lack! (Psalm 34:9 ESV)

I have made several dumb decisions in my life. Almost every one of them can be traced back to a lack of fearing the Lord. I believe the same is true of churches. A lack of fearing the LORD causes us to put our eyes in the wrong spot. Rather than living life under the authority of God and to the glory of God we live our lives as if we were in a fishbowl. We ask horizontal questions and make horizontal decisions, while giving a mere hat tip to the vertical. The fear of the Lord changes this. Those who fear Him have no lack because God is a great Father.

Father, you are very good to us. And you are absolutely holy. Your ways are not our ways and your thoughts are not our thoughts. And yet you’ve condescended to make yourself known by us creatures. We thank you that you’ve even made yourself known. We also thank you for rescuing us as believers from terror fear. We know that Jesus drank the full cup of your wrath. And yet we still relate to You as wholly other. Give us—and our churches—a holy and reverent fear of you.