Today in Blogworld 04.28.15

4 Reasons I Preach From Notes, Not a Manuscript

My seminary professor would likely be angry with me but I still mostly preach from a manuscript. Or rather I take a manuscript to the pulpit with me. But articles like this cause me to rethink a bit.

Why the Local Church Is More Important

I appreciate this word from D.A. Carson on how the local church is more important than popular parachurch organizations.

Difference Between the Present Heaven and Future Heaven

Just had a discussion about this with my son…I appreciate Randy Alcorn’s answer.

The Necessity of Hardship for Young Men

Young men need to go through hardship. Here are 10 fruits of hardship.

This one ends on a bit of a cliffhanger…I’d really like to know the ending to this one:


  1. Regarding preaching from notes, I’m backwards. I teach from notes and preach from a written text. I’m actually pretty adept about not continuing to stare at the text such that many people surprised that I’m reading what I’m saying.

    It is especially invaluable for preaching through a translator. Many people used to speaking extemporaneously find they have a problem getting into a rhythm when using a translator. Writing it down ahead of time, I can weigh my idioms, sentence constructions, and the length of my phrases carefully to help the translator. Also, I have a text in case my translator doesn’t understand something I said: it’s written for them.

  2. Jim, thank you so much for this comment. I had never thought much about the impact of having a translator. I appreciate you bring this perspective.

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