Today in Blogworld 02.18.15

What Mr. “Know-it-All” Doesn’t Know

I’ll take a teachable person that knows very little over an unteachable know-it-all any day.

3 Reasons Why Reading the Bible Feels Like a Chore

It’s a sad place to be when Bible reading feels like a chore—but Aaron is spot on here.

The Definitive SNL Rankings

It has been quite some time since I’ve watched SNL so I had no idea Kenan Thompson had been doing so much on the show.

Why I’m Not a Jehovah’s Witness

Last week I linked to an article on reasons not to be a Mormon. Here is another popular cult and reasons not to sign up.

I was pretty happy about the snow, but I don’t think I was quite as pumped as this dude: (Sorry about the OMG)