Today in Blogworld 09.02.14

Calling this “Today” in Blogworld is a bit untrue. During my blogging hiatus, there were still some quality articles that I would like to draw to your attention. So, I’m going to play catch up this week.

This Demon Only Comes Out By Prayer and Prozac

A family doctor considers the helpfulness and unhelpfulness of a phrase like “It’s a chemical imbalance”.

A Fall From Grace And A Need For Grace

There were many things posted after Acts 29 announced they were parting from Mark Driscoll. The response from Barnabas Piper was one of my favorites. Also I appreciate these words from Aaron Armstrong and Tim Challies.

26 Ways to Provoke the 1 Peter 3:15 Question At Work

These are very practical and helpful suggestions.

Celebrity and credibility

This is so good: “A few short-term, sudden or stunning achievements, reported or even real, are no substitute for long-term labours of proven worth”.

If you find yourself in a dangerous situation (especially as a musician) you might try some of these sweet ninja moves: