Pray For Your Husband: 31 Day Challenge–Day Twenty-Nine

Day Twenty-Nine: That he would approve what is vital

And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. (Philippians 1:9-11 ESV)

When Paul prays for the Philippians he prays that they would have a love that keeps growing. But it is not any type of love–it is a love that is rooted in knowledge and discernment. Such a grounded love, says Paul, will lead them to approving what is excellent. Another way to say this is that Paul is praying that they would approve what is vital–and this approving will lead to their blamelessness. It is not as difficult for us to choose the really good thing from the really bad thing. What is more difficult is choosing the best thing from a choice of pretty decent option. Today let’s join Paul in his prayer, and pray for our husbands that they would approve what is vital.

Lord, my husband will be given many choices today. Some of these choices will be easy and others will be between equally valid options. Yet, we know that there are some things that are more vital than others. Stir up my husbands heart in such a way with your grounded love, that he would choose the things that are vital. Help him to live a focused and concentrated life with a single-minded pursuit of your glory. Give him the strength to do this in a very distracted and distracting world. Amen. 

Nikki Leake is the wife of Mike and mother of two adorable children. She enjoys decorating, soul-food, elephant-petting, and worshipping Jesus.

Nikki Leake

One Comment

  1. I have loved this series. (as well as the one on wives.) I have and am sharing them both with many in our fellowship. Question though . . . . what happened to Day Thirty and Day Thirty One? Just curious. Thank you very much for this ministry to us!

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