Pray For Your Husband: 31 Day Challenge–Day Twenty-Four

Day Twenty-Four: That he would pursue peace

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. -Romans 12:18

God tells us, through the apostle Paul, that no matter the person or the situation we are to pursue peace. We know that the only way that peace is possible is because of the work that Jesus has already done. Because of His work we are able to pursue peace in all of our relationships. Peace can be evasive. Let’s pray today that our husbands would know the peace of God and that this peace would cause them to live peaceably with all.

Lord, I thank you for the peace that you have given us through Christ. I pray today that you would continue to work in my husbands heart to make him a man of peace. Help him to do everything that he can to have peace in his relationships. Give him peace and cause him to be a bridge to peace for other men. Amen.

An anonymous wife

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