Today in Blogworld 02.12.14

They Do it Better

Tim Brister looks at a group in his community that does better discipleship than the church. Same thing here in Jasper. Though, I believe there are other factors.

The Problem with Polemical Preaching

To be polemical means to have a strongly worded argument against another position. Erik Raymond points out the problem with such preaching.

Crucifying Defensiveness

“In many cases related to personal offenses, if not most, the best defense is neither a good offense nor a good defense, but simply sitting on the bench and, in love, refusing to play the game.” –Jared Wilson

The Next SBC President…

Dave Miller outlines what he’d like to see in the next SBC President. I tend to agree. This should be an interesting time for us Baptists in the next couple of months. We had the blessing of electing Fred Luter the last two years. This year might be a tad more contentious.

Sinclair Ferguson gives us lessons from a lifetime of pastoring: