Today in Blogworld 12.03.12

How Two Presidents Helped Me Deal With Love, Guilt, and Fatherhood

This is a touching an interesting story about a father and his son with Asperger’s.

When It Costs To Be Complementarian

Denny Burk reflects on the recent controversy in Cru (Campus Crusade) surrounding Daniel Haman and his views on complementarianism. Read Denny’s article and follow the link to the World magazine article as well.

Schreiner’s Display Strong Faith Amid Tragedy

Dr. Schreiner is one of my favorite professors at Southern. I appreciate reading his testimony and this reminder to continue to pray for Diane and he.

5 Signs You Glorify Self

Self-glory can subtly be the aim of our ministry. Paul Tripp gives five signs that this could be happening in your life and ministry.

John Stott on whole life discipleship: