Today in Blogworld 11.28.12

Life of an NFL Long Shot

This is long but interesting. The NY Times chronicles the story of Pat Schiller, an NFL long shot. (HT: Challies)

Balance is Bunk

Mike Glenn, writing on Thom Rainer’s blog, tells us that balance is bunk. Life cannot be balanced and we should stop trying to make it that way.

What Could Cause PK’s to Grow Bitter

Brian Croft mentions one heart-breaking reason: “from suffering subtle broken promise after subtle broken promise from their parents.” A painful but necessary article for pastors to consider. (I imagine this could apply to other jobs as well).

Disciple-Making and Sentence Diagramming

I have found sentence diagramming to be one of the most valuable things that I have picked up. I actually started doing it before seminary. I found great help from I appreciate this pdf. that Tim Brister has compiled to encourage everyone to do sentence diagramming. This needs to get into all of our churches.

Not that I advocate betting, but these videos are really cool: