Today in Blogworld 11.09.12

Cheap eBooks

Adopted for Life by Russell Moore is only $3.03
Modest by Tim Challies and RW Glenn only $2.99
The Mighty Weakness of John Knox by Bond and Lawson only .99

Brothers, Train Up the Next Generation

Ministers cannot afford to only be concerned about finishing their own race.  Mike Bullmore shows us the necessity of training up the next generation.

Did God Choose Barack Obama as President?

Dave Miller asks a very good theological question. I think Dave does an apt job of defending his position (and mine). Honestly, I do not see how a contrary position can be ultimately comforting.

Parenting is Hard for a Reason

Parenting is hard. There is a reason for that. Christina Fox explains.

Concrete buffer gone wild.  I’m not sure why I like this so much:

(HT: Patrick Schreiner)